Electronics and Electrical Engineering interview Question and Answers for fresh engineers (Part 4)
In this Part we find some question about Crystallization
Question: What do you understand by a crystal?
Answer: A three dimensional periodic arrangement of molecules, atoms, or ions is called as crystal. In the crystal structure degree of symmetry and periodicity is most important. For the crystal structure the orientation of neighbors and their numbers are clearly mentioned.
Question: What is crystallization?
Answer: The process by which crystals of a substance are formed another phase of that substance is called as crystallization. Crystallization needs (10^3- 10^4) number of atoms or molecule of the substance. The nucleation process for the crystallization is increasing by the atomic diffusion from the vapor or the melt.
Question: What is crystalline solid? What are the most important properties of crystalline solid?
Answer: Crystalline Solid is a solid in which atom or molecules are arranged in a periodic arrangement to form a long range order.
A Crystalline solid is a solid in which atoms bond with each other in a regular pattern to form periodic collection.
The most important properties of crystalline solid are,
· Periodicity
· Long range order
Question: Describe the Crystalline solid in terms of lattice and basis. What are the lattice parameters? When we have the chance to find the actual crystal structure?
Answer: For describing the Crystalline solid,
Lattice: A lattice is an infinite periodic array of geometric points in space without atom.
A lattice is a regular array of points in space with a discernible periodicity. In three dimensional spaces there are possibilities of 14 distinct lattices. When at each lattice points an atom or molecule is placed, the resulting regular structure is called a crystal structure.
The lattice has two parameters mainly. They are,
1. The angle between the sides of unit cell
2. The lengths of the side of the unit cell.
Basis: The identical group of atom or molecules that are placed at each lattice points is called basis.
A molecule, a collection of molecules or an atoms placement at each lattice point to generate the crystal structure of a substance truly is known as basis.
When we place identical group of atoms or molecules at each lattice points then we find the actual crystal structure.
Question: who are the inventors of transistors? When they get Nobel Prize?
Answer: The inventors are,
1. William Shockley
2. John Bardeen
3. Walter Brattain
They get Nobel prizes in 1956.
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